Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Belly Full of Noodil

Sa has reached the "12 week hurdle" and leapt over it - the nausea seems to be much better now (ie: she's not getting as much or as often). This is what Sa and Noodil look like at 12 weeks.

I'm working 3 days a week now and Sa is going back to work in about 4 weeks (dreading it!) for 3 days a week also. So we can cover looking after Stella pretty much - Keelah has offered to take care of Stella on the day that we're both working.
A few days ago, Sa had a really bad stomach ache all night and I was getting really worried, thinking it might be a miscarriage, but it subsided the next day. Quite stressful. I'd better start meditating again...

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