Saturday, September 27, 2008

It's a ... ?

Most people who have ideas about Noodil's gender (I'm so PC) reckon it will be a boy. I did some dousing as I did for Gloopee and she did turn out to be a girl. Dousing Noodil indicated that she would indeed also be a girl. I don't really have a strong feeling about it as I did with Gloopee, but I suppose whatever you think, you have a 50% chance of being correct, which is pretty high. I'll go with the dousing and say that I reckon it will be another girl. Time will tell.

Sa is definitely bigger than she was last time, and I think she's really starting to feel it. She's very tired and looking forward to maternity leave, only about 6 weeks to go now. We've been a bit blase about it all this time, even forgot one of the midwife appointments. We get there and the midwife says "Any questions?" "" Last time we'd pull out our list and go through them all one by one, write the answers down, go home and study. Now we live for that luxury of luxuries if we can get it: The Afternoon Nap.

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